Rising Artist RABIN HUISSEN Celebrates Ink Wash Tradition In 2021 Jeonnam International Sumuk Biennale

Rising conceptual artist Rabin Huissen joins leading artists worldwide to rediscover the value of ink wash painting at the 2021 Jeonnam International SUMUK Biennale held in South Korea, from today until October 31, 2021.
Ink wash painting is at the heart of the festival which is held in Jeolla-do Province where tradition of ink wash painting is best maintained. Since 2021 marks the 1,000th anniversary of the province, the biennale is also held to celebrate this occasion and welcome the next millennium this province of art. The festival is, therefore, held as an open festival where the entire city is used as the exhibition venue.

Rabin Huissen, the rising conceptual artist from Rotterdam, took a different approach in creating works for this festival. Instead of finding inspirations from his own travels, he borrowed someone else’ eyes to inspire himself. Since COVID-19 pandemic has limited physical travelling, Huissen asked the exhibition curator to send pictures of her view of sunsets in Korea. This gave him inspiration in creating the series “To travel_ Through the eyes of another”.

During the pandemic, the only travel Huissen did was between his studio and studio garden in Rotterdam, the Netherlands where he lives. Every time he went out, he had to change into another pair of shoes and jackets lined up outside. This helped him maintain a sense of transformation.

He also studied the traditional Korean black and white painting style and the unique Hanji paper. Then he combined such unique ink painting with his signature style of conceptual thinking, photographic techniques and the use of colours.

By combining the sense of transformation and the Korean tradition of ink wash painting, Huissen created four pieces of interesting paintings for the 2021 Jeonnam International SUMUK Biennale – “Through the eyes of another, I become a waterfall”, “Through the eyes of another, I become a landscape”, “Through the eyes of another, I become a sunset”, and “Through the eyes of another, I become a pink waterfall”.

Interested persons can join 20 artists from 14 countries to rediscover Korean’s ink wash painting tradition and celebrate the next millennium of Jeolla-do Province, Korea, at the 2021 Jeonnam International SUMUK Biennale or visit https://sumukbiennale.kr/sumuk/index.do for more information.
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